Maximize Your Technology Budget with a USMCA Qualification Tool Before Year-End

September 10, 2024

As the year draws to a close, many companies find themselves with leftover technology budgets. If you're in this position, now is the perfect time to invest those remaining dollars wisely. One highly effective way to do so is by implementing a USMCA qualification tool like Kendrick Trade’sUSMCA solution. If you don’t have leftover budget, this is the time to plan for it in 2025!

Here’s why this is a smart move that offers a quick return on investment (ROI) through substantial cost savings.

Why Year-End Budgets Matter

If your company has an unused technology budget, there's a good chance it won’t get carried over into the next fiscal year. In fact, many companies find that if they don’t spend the budget, it’s unlikely they’ll be approved for the same amount next year. That’s why the fourth quarter is such a critical time to put those remaining funds to work, and Kendrick Trade’s USMCA qualification tool is one of the best investments you can make.

USMCA: A Gateway to Cost Savings

The USMCA (United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement) offers significant cost-saving opportunities for companies that qualify their goods under the free trade agreement. By ensuring your products meet USMCA standards, you can avoid paying unnecessary tariffs and duties, giving your bottom line a direct boost.

Typically, companies can see a quick ROI after adopting a qualification tool, as it enables them to take full advantage of duty-free benefits under USMCA. The savings realized through reduced tariffs often outweigh the initial technology investment, sometimes within the first few months of implementation. Kendrick Trade’s tool simplifies the entire qualification process, making it easier than ever to unlock these savings.

Q4 = USMCA Season

In the past, the fourth quarter was often referred to in the trade industry as “NAFTA season,” when companies would begin the process of soliciting certificates of origin from suppliers and preparing their goods to qualify for the following year. The same logic now applies to USMCA. As the end of the year approaches, this is the time to start planning for 2025 by getting ahead on gathering certificates and ensuring your products are properly qualified.

A USMCA qualification tool like Kendrick Trade’s solution streamlines the process, reducing the time spent on manual reviews and ensuring compliance across the board. Automating your qualification process with a tool designed for USMCA means smoother operations in the new year and fewer headaches when it comes to compliance.

Plan for 2025 Now

If you don’t have leftover budget for 2024, this is the perfect time to plan for an investment in 2025. As trade compliance grows in complexity, companies that are prepared with the right technology are the ones that will continue to see the most savings. By prioritizing a USMCA qualification tool in your 2025 budget, you're setting your company up for a streamlined, cost-effective approach to free trade agreements. It’s an investment in both efficiency and profitability.

Don’t Let Budget Go to Waste

Unused budgets at the end of the year are a missed opportunity. By investing in a USMCA qualification tool now, you’ll see a quick return through cost savings, streamline your trade compliance processes, and position your company for success in the year to come.

As the year comes to a close, don’t let your technology budget go unspent—invest it where it counts, and prepare for a more efficient, cost-effective 2025 with Kendrick Trade’s USMCA qualification tool.

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